Capital IQ
Financials & Deals Integration

Automatically pull company financials and other operating metrics from your Capital IQ subscription

Get company financials, deal history and market intelligence from your CapitalIQ subscription.

Use cases

  • Pull company financials and KPIs directly into your analysis
  • Track M&A activity and deal multiples
  • Monitor market trends and competitor movements
  • Access detailed company ownership information

Financial Data

Comprehensive access to company financials, ratios, and market data

Deal Intelligence

M&A transactions, valuations, and deal multiples

Market Analysis

Industry trends, market sizing, and competitive landscape

Ownership Data

Detailed shareholder information and ownership changes

About Capital IQ

S&P's CapitalIQ provides comprehensive financial data and analytics for global markets, offering detailed company financials, market intelligence, and research tools.

About Quantera

Quantera is the data backbone of your investment firm. Our software ingests and unifies data across all of your subscriptions, and combines this with public data to automate sourcing, diligence and research.

Let our AI build your diligence reports in seconds

Schedule a call with us to run through your bespoke requirements and see how we can help build your internal data platform.

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