Employees & Jobs

Enhance your sourcing and diligence with Glassdoor data

Quantera customers can collect public data from Glassdoor such as jobs, salaries and reviews to automate their sourcing and diligence process, or license our scraper to retrieve this data in bulk. Our software then does the work to auto-populate diligence reports, identify new target companies, and intelligently combine with other data sources and integrations to generate insights.

Use cases

  • Collect key company data based on public information such as jobs, salaries and employee reviews
  • Automatically pull relevant data directly into diligence reports in your desired format
  • Benchmark key metrics such as salary or employee satisfaction across comparable businesses
  • Track against specific metrics to surface new leads, qualify pipeline companies in/out, and generate alerts

Eliminate manual data entry, expedite your due diligence process and automate your research function with Glassdoor data. Sign up for the Quantera platform or simply license our scraper.

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About Glassdoor

Glassdoor is an online platform where current and former employees anonymously review companies and submit salary information. The company provides insights on salary benchmarks and employee satisfaction which form an important aspect of PE due diligence.

About Quantera

Quantera is the data backbone of your investment firm. Our software ingests and unifies data across all of your subscriptions, and combines this with public data to automate sourcing, diligence and research.

Ready to level-up your research function?

Let our AI build your diligence reports in seconds

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